How to solve financial problems once and for all? How to get out of debt, loans, and constant lack of money? Is it possible to end poverty despite the economic crisis? How to cope with stress due to financial problems?

Basic course of consciousness development:

«Energy of New Life»

It will help to find harmony and meaning of life, to get knowledge about:

  • Human evolutionary tasks and opportunities for consciousness development
  • The Laws of Financial Prosperity
  • Methods of maintaining and restoring health
  • Life after death, processes occurring with consciousness
  • Managing your life energies, thoughts, and emotions

Use the unique opportunity to participate in a live meeting, where you will receive a lot of important information, as well as be able to ask your questions to Natalia Rodina.
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Who will benefit from the course?

If you feel that the stresses and experiences associated with financial problems affect both psychological and physical health. The loss of money, debts and unpaid loans, lack of finance, or unstable incomes can cause great anxiety and fear, as they relate to feelings of insecurity and threat to life. 

This is a natural reaction of the ordinary human psyche, which always cares about survival. But it is this overreaction to financial problems that deprives us of our self-control and our ability to think rationally and make constructive decisions, problems accumulate like a snowball, affecting other areas of life - working relations, professional implementation, and family relationships.

But the solution to these problems is:

First of all, it is important to understand that the causes of financial problems are not external, and do not happen to you by accident. Internal hardship and unresolved psychological problems create problems in external realization, including financial well-being. Low self-esteem, complexes, fears, internal conflicts, ignorance of your abilities and strengths, doubts and insecurity, negative thinking, and many other subconscious programs prevent you from earning well and realizing your potential in professional activities.

Secondly, people are prevented from being successful by not knowing or not understanding the spiritual laws of prosperity, the laws of managing the processes of their life, and, in particular, financial well-being.

And thirdly, to achieve success, prosperity, and generally high quality of life, full health, and realization of their personality in all aspects of life, each person needs to reveal their energy nature, its divine potential is a triune unified structure: body, mind, and spirit (or, in more modern language, “energy”). Human energy, strength, and the quality of his energy resources are the basis of all his life results. Therefore, the solution to problems depends primarily on the state of your energy resources.

Where can you get answers to all these questions?

The training course created by Natalia Rodina gives a unique higher knowledge and practical methods that will help you to solve all the basic life issues: first of all, get rid of financial problems and failures, restore physical health and psychoemotional state, establish healthy sleep, replenish energy resources with pure energy, and learn the basics of managing your reality.

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From 17.02.2025 to 22.02.2025
Training at the International Center for Personal Development is conducted ONLINE in Ukraine and other countries of the world with the possibility of simultaneous online translation.
"ENERGY OF NEW LIFE" (initial level)
Training is conducted by – Nataliya Volodymyrivna Rodina, psychologist, parapsychologist, academician of the Academy of Technological Sciences of Ukraine (ATNU), head of the International Center for Personal Development within ATNU.

This author's program, developed by Natalya Volodymyrivna Rodina, is a concentration of the most important knowledge and special practices aimed at the development of human consciousness, help in solving the most important life tasks, answers to the questions of the origin of man and the structure of the universe, determining the path of spiritual development and understanding of the Great Secrets and Truths of being in the process of personality evolution.
Registration and interview:

+44 (770) 645-28-99  (Viber, WhatsApp, Telegram)


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Who teaches the course?


Natalia Rodina

Psychologist, researcher of anomalous phenomena of consciousness, an active member of the International Association of Non-Traditional Methods of Treatment, and academician of the Academy of Technological Sciences of Ukraine.

Natalia is the founder and the head of the PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT CENTER at the Academy of Technological Sciences of Ukraine since 2010.

Education: Master's Degrees in the economy, psychology, and special medical degree from Kyiv Medical University of UANM.
Natalia Rodina has been researching modern theology, cosmology, wave genetics, the basics of quantum physics, astrology, psychic abilities and human abilities, ancient knowledge of sacred geometry, and the techniques of medieval healers for over 20 years.

In this incessant process of cognition, the best methods of different directions were collected into a single original training system, which includes the stages of the development of personality consciousness, and also gives the maximum effect of restoring human health.
At present, Natalia Rodina carries out her activity in many cities and countries and provides online training.


How will the course run?

The course lasts for five days, each of which analyzes major areas of human life. The course is designed for maximum effective results individually for each student.
During the course, Natalia Rodina individually helps each participant to fully understand all aspects of the program and quickly solve his most critical life situations, as well as personally adjusts and fills with her energy every student!
Use the unique opportunity to participate in a live meeting, where you will receive a lot of important information, as well as be able to ask your questions to Natalia Rodina.
Sign up for online free meeting

Course program

Day 1

The following topics are revealed on this day:

  • The design of the subtle energies of a human.
  • The tasks of the human soul, the purpose of the mind, and subtle bodies. The principles of their interaction with the soul.
  • The evolutionary tasks of each human and the possibilities of his spiritual ascent.
  • The programs of human’s evolutionary path of development.
  • The expanded possibilities of the human brain and the senses of perception: the potential superpowers of each person and how to develop them.
  • How reality is arranged, manifested, and unmanifested world. Waves, vibrations, and dense matter. How thoughts are materialized.
  • Properties of meditation and the basics of visualization, energy work with subtle bodies.
  • Nature and the process of offending. The essence of forgiving other people and yourself. 
  • Energy connections between people. 
  • The effect of negative emotions on the condition of the person and the people around him. 


Practical methods of the 1st day:

  • «Dissolution» (harmonization of the internal state of energy and health).
  • «Forgiveness» (transformation of grievances and consequences of destructive experience in relations with people).


Day 2

Lecture on the topic of health:

  • The inner state of a person, his physical and energy bodies: on what depends and how the failures occur. 
  • Causes of disease. 
  • The connection of the physical body with subtle bodies and energies.
  • The influence of the environment, modern medicines, vaccinations, and vaccines, as well as nutrition, lifestyle, and harmful habits on human health: what is good and what is bad.
  • Modern viruses. Methods of cleansing the body of viruses and toxins, and strengthening the immunity against viruses and infections. 
  • Types of self-treatment and recovery. 
  • Ways to restore health and prevent disease. 

Lecture on Finance:

  • The divine laws of finance and abundance, the ability to use the laws of money to create financial prosperity.
  • The energy of money. How to manage financial flows in your life.
  • Functions and features of financial egregor, conditions of interaction with it.
  • The purpose of wealth and abundance in human life.
  • Under what conditions money can be harmful? 
  • The right use of finance for your prosperity and well-being. 
  • The ability of a person to manage his financial condition.

Practical methods of the 2nd day:

  • Practice “Health Management” (physical health recovery and self-regulation).  
  • The technique of “Three Fingers” (a mechanism that activates the force of the creative psychic energy of a person. It is used to materialize human thoughts and plans).
  • Practice “Attraction of Finance” (activation of energy of finance and abundance).
Day 3

On this day the following topics are revealed:

  • The mysteries of death: what happens to the consciousness, subtle bodies, mind, and soul of a human at the moment of death.  
  • The life of the spirit, soul, and consciousness after the death of the physical body.
  • The transformations in the process of death that man passes through at each level (soul, mind, subtle bodies, and consciousness).
  • Various levels of space, where the continuation of human life in subtle reality takes place. The further fate of the person, the influence of the lived life, connections with living people on the Earth, and opportunities to communicate with loved ones.
  • The meaning and essence of visions, dreams, and other «signs» from deceased relatives.
  • Our ability to communicate with them and assist in their spiritual evolution and postmortal experience.
  • The eternal form of human life, the mysteries, and the goals of reincarnation. 
  • The continuation of human evolution on other worlds and new forms of body and consciousness. Mansion worlds: planets for the next stage of human life.
  • Communication with spirit personalities and superpersonalities, the helpers of every human being, the joint path of evolution, the further training and development of a human.

Practical methods of the 3rd day:

  • Practice “Activation of brain centers” ((activates functions and neurons of the brain).
  • Practice “Mirror of desires” (helping you to implement your plans and goals).
Day 4

The lecture part of this day:

  • The structure of the planet and the levels of reality (manifested and unmanifested).
  • The programming system of the planet and humanity - on the material, mental, astral, and spiritual levels.
  • Collective consciousness and unconscious.
  • Influence on the consciousness and will of people and how to defend against it.
  • Ways and methods to keep your integrity and control your life.
  • The general plan of divine evolution for the Cosmos and our planet.
  • The structure of the inhabited Cosmos and the various levels of reality. The path of human ascent: the stages of life and evolution on different planets.
  • The history of the planet: human races, features of the DNA of modern people.
  • The stages of development of humanity and the task of the modern stage: what everyone needs to know.
  • The causes of contemporary human problems: suffering, wars, and degradation. How to get rid of their influence.
  • Planetary changes in vibrations and energies. The Quantum Transition and transformation of humans: how to adapt and pass this period.
  • Superpersonalities and angelic personalities, spiritual teachers who came to Earth. What creatures lived and live on the planet, and how do they interact with people?

Practical methods of the 4th day:

  • The practice «Glass of Water» (method of solving problematic life situations, release from anxiety and anxiety).
Day 5

The lecture part of this day:

  • How to control thoughts, emotions, and inner states.
  • What affects a person’s thoughts, beliefs, and feelings: external influences.
  • Ways to protect yourself from outside influences.
  • The ability of a person to correct the internal causes of his suffering (fears, complexes, destructive beliefs).
  • The true story of the life and mission of Jesus Christ on Earth, the revelation of his true personality and cosmic status. 
  • His true purpose and assignments on Earth. The evolutionary path and the bestowal of the Archangels. 
  • Jesus' teaching which he left to his disciples. 
  • The principles of his teaching, the true knowledge transmitted by Jesus Christ. 
  • The true meaning of his crucifixion and resurrection. 
  • The will of God and the free will of man and how to combine them. 
  • The history of writing the Bible and the true teaching of Jesus Christ: where to seek truthful Information.

Practical methods of the 5th day:

  • Practice "Energization" or "The Flight to Paradise"(developing a higher vibrational level and filling yourself with pure active energy).
Use the unique opportunity to participate in a live meeting, where you will receive a lot of important information, as well as be able to ask your questions to Natalia Rodina.
Sign up for online free meeting

What do you learn from the course «Energy of New Life»?

The Basic Course provides in-depth knowledge that transforms the state of the human body and all aspects of life. And practical methods allow you to solve the main topical issues of everyday life.

Course participants:

Participants recover their health
Relieve themselves of illness
Solve financial problems
Find suitable jobs
Harmonize their emotional state
Easily achieve difficult goals
Restore harmony in the family
Improve relationships with the surrounding people

Read more about the results of the training in the reviews of our students!


This course is one of a series of original teaching methods by Natalia Rodina, which are based on a close connection between ancient sacred mechanisms and modern scientific discoveries aimed at CONSCIOUS managing your psycho-emotional state, and they do not contain methods built on the basis of unconscious influence and external programming of the human subconscious!

Use the unique opportunity to participate in a live meeting, where you will receive a lot of important information, as well as be able to ask your questions to Natalia Rodina.
Sign up for online free meeting


About us

The International Center for Personality Development as part of the Academy of Technological Sciences of Ukraine is a research and educational structure that carries out educational activities for the general public on the basis of the latest scientific research in the field of understanding the world and human consciousness.

The methodology of educational programs and energy practices are based on the author's methods of Natalia Rodina, presented in 2010 as a phased system of developing practical levels of training, united in the overall educational system "The Way to Perfection".

About our center in figures:

We teach
15 years
More than
Students from
59 countries


Address: Ukraine, 03187, Kyiv, ave. Academician Glushkov, 42
+44 (770) 645-28-99
for English speakers
+39 (389) 146-05-31
for Ukrainian speakers